Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ideas pop up at the craziest times

Sometimes for me, ideas come up when you're least expecting them. And these are usually the ideas that turn out cooler than something you've thought long and hard about.

An idea popped into my head about doing a kind of funky picture of a camera. I thought that would be fitting to take a picture of a picture taker, seeing as how most of the items in my Etsy shop are photography related. I found my old bulky digital camera from years ago (not really sure why I even still have it?) and snapped a couple quick pics.

Yay, pictures time to create.

There are times that I spend a good majority of time tweaking and reworking photos to get them exactly how I want them to look. And then there are other times (like this one) where it takes very little time. I think I spent a total of 15 minutes or so from start to finish. And voila!

And just like that, a new digital art print is born. I have to say, I'm quite happy with the way it all turned out. I don't have anything funky like this in my shop yet so this little guy is one of a kind.

You can find the link the canvas print here.

And with that said, it's bedtime!!

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